Our Corners of the World

Africa Programs

Our affiliates collaborate with local communities to carry out leadership-centered programs in literacy, vocational training and oral health.

About the program

What is it

Our Africa Programs support leaders who make greater levels of education, improved health, and increased economic security happen in Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia. From upgrading the infrastructure of Tanzania’s only dental school to helping Rwandans develop employable skills for today’s marketplace, we’re committed to addressing communities’ needs by investing in leadership. In Rwanda and Zambia, we run vocational training, social, and literacy programs out of our community centers. In Tanzania, we focus on oral health care across the country.

Countries in Africa where we currently work: Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia
$ 0
Given in scholarships to 12 Africa Program team members since 2012
People benefited from our vocational training, youth, and literacy projects in our Africa Programs in 2018

Our Corners of the World

Where We Work

In each country where we work, we have established a locally-registered organization, such as MC-Rwanda, MC-Tanznia, and MC-Zambia, which is led by a Board of Directors comprised of local stakeholders representing public bodies, businesses, non-profit organizations, and MCW Global-New York.


Miracle Corners Rwanda



Miracle Corners Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, Mbeya & Tanga


Miracle Corners Zambia


Africa programs

What We Offer


Literacy Program


Through this program, MC-Zambia targets out-of-school children and adolescents in the rural community of Chanyanya who did not have access to formal education due to varied socio-economic constraints. By teaching them literacy and numeracy, MC-Zambia prepares them for enrolment into formal schools and later integrates them into government schools.

Vocational Training Courses

Rwanda & Zambia


The Skills Development programs run by MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia are focused on increasing the digital literacy skills and tailoring opportunities of students as an antidote to the economic insecurity that characterizes their respective communities: Bugesera in Rwanda and Chanyanya in Zambia. To this end, their employability is enhanced through vocational training courses.


Oral Health Care Program


MC-Tanzania has a vision for communities throughout Tanzania to live free from oral and dental diseases. Using an inter-disciplinary approach to achieve sustainability, MC-Tanzania strives to build the capacity of health professionals in Tanzania to tackle the oral health workforce shortage, particularly dentists and dental therapists.

Economic security

Social Projects

Rwanda & Zambia

Since 2011, MC-Rwanda has offered youth a range of social activities to help them grow as emerging leaders who are socio-culturally aware. Through performing arts, traditional dance, modelling and karate MC-Rwanda connects with the youth in Bugesera and teaches them how to collaborate with their peers in addressing pressing needs in their own communities.