Africa Programs.

Vocational Training Courses

Through the Skills Development (TVET) programs, both MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia increase the market readiness of youth enrolled in tailoring and ICT classes to help improve their economic security.

About the program

What is it

We offer low-cost government accredited vocational training courses (e.g. ICT and Tailoring) each semester to people of all ages at our community centers in Rwanda and Zambia.

People benefited from our vocational training, youth, and literacy projects in our Africa Programs in 2018
$ 0
Given in scholarships to 12 Africa Program team members since 2012

Contents of the Program

What We Offer

The Skills Development programs run by MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia are focused on increasing the digital literacy skills and tailoring opportunities of students as an antidote to the economic insecurity that characterizes their respective communities: Bugesera in Rwanda and Chanyanya in Zambia. To this end, their employability is enhanced through vocational training courses.

Through the Skills Development (TVET) programs in information and communication technologies (ICT) and Tailoring, both MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia increase the market readiness of youth enrolled in the programs. Research shows that TVET access is still a challenge faced by many young people in rural areas including in the Bugesera and Chanyanya regions. This is a roadblock to the development of many young people in rural areas who cannot afford to pursue higher education opportunities. MC-Rwanda and MC-Zambia’s investment in the arena of TVET aims in part at responding to the pressing needs of their communities.