MCW Global Meets with Zambian Ambassador to the UN, Discusses Community Development & New Tennis Center

Picture: From left to right: MCW Board Member, Kabinga Pande; Khalid Elachi, MCW Global Executive Director; Ambassador Milambo; volunteer Coach Butch Hines; and MCW Board Member Eddie Bergman.

On June 18, the MCW Global team had a fruitful meeting with the Zambian Ambassador to the United Nations, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Chola Milambo.

The team updated him on our Affiliate, MC Zambia’s impactful work in improving the community lives in Chanyanya, Zambia including the child & adult literacy program, ICT program, nutrition program, and UNDP climate smart innovative agroecology program.

MCW Global has been working with MC Zambia on developing a tennis center for youth and community members in Chanyanya, which will be built on the MC Zambia Community Center site.

During the meeting, the MCW Global team also highlighted the importance of this project and its role in improving the community. The team further shared a related update on the planned Tennis program – which is set to launch later this year.

The project aims to use tennis to enhance the children’s extracurricular activities and increase the community’s access to healthy lifestyle options, specifically focusing on girls. 

Learn more and support this initiative here:

In his remarks,  Dr. Milambo highlighted the need for partnerships and urged that the facilities be open for use to sensitize on issues on HIV/AIDS, child, early, and forced marriages, among others.

We thank the Ambassador for welcoming us, supporting our mission, and for championing the MC Zambia’s efforts!