MCW Global

Categories2024 Featured News

MC-Zambia Introduces Tennis to the Sports for Rural Development Program: Bringing Joy to Chanyanya’s Children

October 12, Chanyanya, Zambia– Continuing its commitment to promoting sports in rural areas, MC-Zambia hosted a five-day tennis training program from October 8-12, marking the official launch of the Tennis Court at the Community Center in Chanyanya.  Around 90 children from MC-Zambia’s Literacy and Numeracy classes came from all over different Chanyanya communities to learn […]

Categories2024 Featured News

Fifth Edition of the MCW Global’s Community Leaders in Africa Internship Program

New York, NY- October 15, 2024- MCW Global held its 5th edition of the Community Leaders in Africa Internship Program between June 1 and October 1, 2024.  The program provides an internship opportunity to the Young Leaders Program alumni to develop their community development skills and equips them to address communities’ pressing needs worldwide. As […]

Categories2024 Featured News

MCW Global Meets with Zambian Ambassador to the UN, Discusses Community Development & New Tennis Center

On June 18, the MCW Global team had a fruitful meeting with the Zambian Ambassador to the United Nations, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Chola Milambo. The team updated him on our Affiliate, MC Zambia’s impactful work in improving the community lives in Chanyanya, Zambia including the child & adult literacy program, ICT program, nutrition program, and […]

Categories2024 News

MC-Zambia and Kafue DEBS Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Quality Education in the Kafue District

In May 2024, MC-Zambia officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kafue District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) at Kasenje Resource Centre in Kafue.  This important partnership signifies the MC-Zambia commitment to working hand in hand with the Kafue DEBS to promote quality education and foster the holistic development of their learners.  MC- Zambia […]

Categories2024 Featured News

MC-Zambia’s Program Integrates Children into Schools and Equips them with Technology Tools for Education 

MC-Zambia has provided educational programs and services for the Chanyanya community of the Kafue District of Zambia for the last ten years. Making strides towards its mission to achieve greater levels of education, MC-Zambia started this year with efforts and activities addressing some of the community’s most essential and pressing needs in education and its […]

Categories2024 Featured News

MC-Zambia Launches Innovative Climate Change Project

On January 18th, 2024, MC- Zambia (MCZ) launched a new pioneering project aimed at promoting climate-smart innovative agroecology for biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and improved rural smallholder livelihoods in Magoba and Chanyanya communities of Chikupi and Magoba ward of Kafue District.  As climate change threatens the planet and the livelihoods of these communities and […]

Categories2021 Stories

MC-Zambia: An Example of Dedication and Positive Change

While appreciating the contributions of MCW-Global, we always have to keep close to the heart the importance of its three affiliates in Africa: MC-Rwanda, MC-Zambia, and MC-Tanzania. As you are already familiar with the impressive work that MC-Rwanda is doing, through this piece, we are drawing your attention to MC-Zambia. In this article, Robert Mukwiza Sakutaha, MC-Zambia’s Program Officer, […]