Two Decades of Dedication: Condoulis Reflects on Her Journey with MCW Global

Anna Condoulis, MCW Global Board Member, has been involved with the organization for more than two decades. Since 2001 she has contributed and participated in various activities and events of MCW Global and its Affiliates in Africa.

“My first encounter with MCW Global was more than two decades ago when Eddie Bergman, now President of MCW Global Board of Directors, came to New York University (NYU) as a student.”

Today, as we at MCW Global reflect on the organization’s 25th anniversary and adapt our programming to a rapidly changing global environment, Anna reminisces about her early days of engagement with MCW Global. 

“Watching MCW Global grow, expand its outreach; and experience the impact the organization has on individuals and communities is very inspiring and fulfilling and I want to help and be part of this community.”

MCW Global’s efforts to equip young leaders with the set of skills necessary to help and thrive in their communities align with Anna’s long-established relationship with students.

“I have worked with young people in my professional career, NYU students for 33 years, always working with students under student affairs, building communities, and initiating programs to ensure students had a rewarding experience that helped them grow and thrive.” Anna says while adding that her long journey with MCW Global has many special and joyful experiences.

Anna Condoulis is a Retired Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Alumni Relations, at NYU School of Professional Studies.

A moment in history: The year 2001 marked the beginning of a long-term relationship with New York University from which many individuals greatly benefited from. In the same year, a peer education crisis intervention training program was held by MCW, followed by a dental outreach program carried out in collaboration with NYU students. 

Transforming Communities for 25 Years: Looking Back, Moving Forward Project brings to you a series of exclusive articles celebrating the 25th Anniversary of MCW Global. The stories and reflections shared represent the experiences and perspectives of individuals involved with the organization in various capacities, starting from alumni, board and team members, affiliates, supporters, and donors.