2023 Young Leaders Fellowship – News Release


July 10, 2023, New York, NY – MCW Global will hold its in-person Young Leaders Fellowship from July 11th through the 20th at New York University, New York and Champlain College, Vermont. Bringing together 37 participants from over 25 countries, the Fellowship will redefine the concept of leadership and capacitate young leaders to address their communities’ challenges through creatively designed solutions. 

The Young Leaders Fellowship Program equips young leaders from around the world with the project management skills and leadership competencies needed to address their communities’ most pressing issues. Through this year-long program, young leaders will identify and articulate a challenge in their community in the areas of education, health, or economic security and will be mentored and trained to devise a solution to this challenge by way of an implementable project plan.

According to MCW Global’s Executive Director, Khalid Elachi, “After successfully implementing our Fellowships virtually over the last three years, we’re thrilled to be back together in the same physical space – creating a unique environment for passionate global leaders to interact with one another as they address community challenges and build meaningful connections.”

As states grapple with global challenges such as diseases exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, economic inequalities, the threats of climate change, and barriers to education, there is a growing need for solution-driven leadership, particularly at the community level. Vital to addressing these challenges is the acknowledgment that young leaders contribute significantly to the quest for transformation. The Young Leaders Fellowship seeks to equip young leaders with the skills and tools to be effective agents of change. 

Leon Gojani, MCW Global’s Young Leaders Program Associate, remarked, “Community leadership is not confined to a single individual but thrives through collective efforts and shared responsibility. The Young Leaders Fellowship brings together effective leaders from all over the world to address local challenges, advocate for needs, and create opportunities for growth and development.”

A total of 25 mentees are joining the program this year in addition to two co-lead mentors and ten mentors. Facilitators and speakers will present on topics that will help young leaders as they design projects for their communities’ challenges, ranging from sessions on Self-Awareness, What Better Looks Like, Resilient Leadership, Gender, and Global Citizenship. The Fellowship will conclude with an Open Doors event held at New York University’s School of Professional Studies, where the winner of the Elevator Pitch Competition will be announced. 

MCW Global’s Fellowship Coordinator, Dhurata Berisha stated, “It’s inspiring to witness the courage and tenacity of young leaders from across the world as they tackle their communities’ challenges with vigor and infectious enthusiasm. I look forward to learning more about the creative solutions they are each designing to meet the needs of their communities.”

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