MC-Rwanda's Youth Group volunteers demonstrate how to fetch water and fill jerry cans. Small jerry cans act as taps which are already commonly used on traditional hand wash stations.
Across the continent of Africa, daily visits to the marketplace function as a part of everyday life. Limited access to refrigerators for everyday people to use in Rwanda means perfectly calculated portions of fish, poultry, and other ingredients to prepare meals for the day. COVID-19 has posed severe challenges to this otherwise routine task of picking up food items from the market. The infrastructure of bustling markets can make it difficult to practice social distancing. Due to the fact, that markets are prone to overcrowding.
MC-Rwanda is continuing to step up its efforts to reduce the spread of the virus in Bugesera District. MC-Rwanda has collaborated with the local government to install traditional hand washing stations in the Kayenzi Market. W.A.S.H stations (water, sanitation, and hygiene) do not require touching knobs to access water for cleaning one’s hands. W.A.S.H stations enable people to use their feet to release water, which reduces the possibility of recontamination.
Jeanette Nyirankamiyabanzi, the President of Kayenzi Market, had this to say about MC-Rwanda. “We are very grateful for MC-Rwanda’s Youth Program volunteers who built hand wash stations that enable us to keep proper hygiene measures in order to fight and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our customers, as well as other people who visit the market can wash their hands before entering”. Nyirankamiyabanzi further stated, “we have also improved our measures to provide social distance from each other while lining up to use the W. A. S. H station, to minimize the risks of contracting the disease”.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of November 2020, there have been 46,357 deaths across the African continent. MC-Rwanda’s youth group continues to volunteer throughout the district. Providing W.A.S.H stations in the Kayenzi Market increases access and opportunities to practice good hygiene. The youth group has also helped to distribute masks to prevent the spread of the virus.