MCW Healthcare Projects Director Speaks at Temple University’s Kornberg Dentistry School Graduation
Philadelphia, PA, June 5, 2012 – Dr. Marion Bergman, Director of Healthcare Projects of MCW (Miracle Corners of the World), delivered a graduating address at the Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University on May 18, 2012.
In her remarks, Dr. Bergman highlighted the importance of finding the time in their careers “give back to society” through “service.” She quoted Dr. Albert Schweitzer: “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”
Dr. Bergman practiced as an intensive care doctor and pulmonary specialist for more than two decades and earned her Masters in Public Administration in 2006. Dr. Bergman was chosen as graduation speaker for her work with MCW to improve oral healthcare conditions in Tanzania. In addition, Dr. Bergman is a member of the Board of Visitors for Temple University’s Kornberg School of Dentistry.
Since 2008, under Dr. Bergman’s leadership, MCW has worked closely with Tanzania’s leadership, particularly the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, to create a sustainable oral healthcare system that meets the needs of all Tanzanians.
To watch the address, visit HcQhx64SbyA5Gqtw&index=1&feature=plcp.
For a biography of Dr. Bergman, visit
About MCW (Miracle Corners of the World) MCW (Miracle Corners of the World) is a non-profit organization founded in 1999 with the vision of Local Change through Global Exchange®. Our mission is to empower youth to become positive agents of change in their communities. Based in New York with affiliates in Africa, MCW offers the following programs: Leadership Training, Community Centers and Oral Healthcare Improvement, as well as Partner Initiatives (MCW Jacqueline’s Human Rights Corner and the Container Project). For more information visit
About MCW Oral Healthcare Initiative
Current MCW projects include equipment upgrades and training at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) School of Dentistry in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s only public university for health sciences, and the Mnazi Mmoja Dental Clinic in Zanzibar. For more information visit