During 2023, Miracle Corners Rwanda (MCR) embarked on a journey, aligning its five-year strategic plan with diverse activities and community engagements, thus making great strides in its mission.
Since its establishment more than a decade ago, MCR has remained dedicated to helping community members achieve higher levels of education, improving health, and increasing economic stability- a mission brought to life in 2023 by several activities and contributions.
Some of them include training students in tailoring and computer maintenance, leadership skills, equipping a new co-working space, and fostering collaboration and productivity within the community.
The year concluded with redesigning a holistic skills development program that combined vocational training with leadership and entrepreneurship skills development workshops and life skills awareness sessions.
“Our ongoing goal is to keep our overhead low while increasing our impact in the community, and you truly make this possible! MCR is stronger than ever due to our continually expanding community, who donate their resources, time, and skills to support our important mission. We have signed five MoUs with new developmental and implementing partners and maintained existing ones.” says Olive Safari, MCR Country Manager.
“Our Global team has helped us dramatically increase our donor base, and our Advisory Board has assisted us in expanding our youth education, health, and economic security programs.” she further notes.
Throughout the year, MCR engaged 14 young leaders in its programs and 10 in community engagement activities. It also initiated the first phase of renovation activities, aiming to establish income-generating ventures that enhance the organization’s visibility and provide financial support for programs. Another key initiative was the refurbishment of existing premises and the beautification of outdoor areas.
While 2023 brought successes and lessons, the MCR team exhibited resilience and adaptability, enhancing their capabilities through capacity development in six key areas. This year’s productivity was a collective achievement, made possible by the invaluable contributions of stakeholders, MCR’s team’s unwavering commitment, the board’s guidance, and its network’s support.
The successful execution of the MCR strategic plan relied heavily on the collaboration of various stakeholders, including young leaders from other MCW Global programs, youth-led initiatives, and partner organizations. MCR signed 5 Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), including two with development partners and three with implementing partners, while maintaining existing partnerships with the Ministry of Education, Rwanda Governance Board, the District Office, and Rwanda TVET Board.
During the last quarter of the year, MCR accomplished activities as follows:
- Training completion for 87 students in a six-month vocational training course in Tailoring and Computer Maintenance trades. Among them, 63 (59 females, 4 males) completed tailoring, and 24 (11 females, 13 males) completed Computer Maintenance. All of them are currently doing a one-month internship;
- Equipped with two internship facilities- one for tailoring students and the other for computer maintenance students. Each facility can host 30 students;
- Trained 103 young people in leadership in its vocational program, and 30 students from one of our five sites completed training in entrepreneurship;
- A co-working space was equipped at Miracle Corners Rwanda Youth Center to host 20 people.
As the end of the year approaches, MCR celebrates these achievements and the marks their dedication is leaving for the improvement of the community. The MCR team remains optimistic for an even brighter future, dedicated to spreading their connection with their community and addressing its most pressing needs.
To stay updated with MCR’s activities, please visit https://mcwglobal.org/rwanda/.